Getting A-Lined

It took about nine calls to local Home Depots and a 40-minute drive to the one in Merrimack, but we are now in possession of a 40×100 piece of 6 mil plastic sheeting.  I’m a few days behind last year’s rink, but still in pretty decent shape overall.


What’s left to do?  As I sit here at 9pm on a Saturday night, I’m looking at a Sunday afternoon to-do list that includes putting up the high netting, testing and installing the three work lights, replacing the one sideboard that I removed in order to mow the grass, testing the rest of the boards, and prepping for a possible Monday or Tuesday fill.  The temps look to be in the 20’s and 30’s during the day and in the single digits to teens for the next week or so, which should be cold enough to have ice by next week.  So while it probably won’t mean a second consecutive year of Christmas skating, we should be in business shortly thereafter.  To all of you Yahoo Backyard Rink group folks, hope you’re enjoying this arctic weather and the fruits of your planning and pre-winter labor.  I’m playing from behind, but this liner and a few hours of good work tomorrow should allow me to catch up.

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