‘Relive the 2010 NHL Winter Classic’ with NHL.com’s Videocenter

Backyard-Hockey.com wasn’t technically in existence on January 1, 2010, but that doesn’t mean the NHL’s Winter Classic, played that day at Fenway Park in Boston, had nothing to do it with. Rather, my experiences on my backyard rink (culminating in an unforgettable New Year’s morning skate with my son, wife, and dad) and the Classic energy that shot up Route 93 from Boston into Southern New Hampshire served as a significant source of inspiration for the site you’re reading today.  The Winter Classic is everything that’s wonderful about the game of hockey: the outdoors, theaction, the ambiance, the history.

If the previous paragraph resonates with you at all, you’re gonna like this video.  Maybe it’s because I’m a Bruins fan, maybe it’s because I’ll never forget how incredible a morning I had the day this game was played. But I can’t get through the entire video without getting goosebumps. I’m pretty sure that means they did a great job.


Thanks to Patrick Falla and the Frozen Faceoff team for the heads up. To experience your own Winter Classic, visit their Facebook page and sign up for the Frozen Faceoff, January 29-30, 2011, in Ashfield, MA.

2 thoughts on “‘Relive the 2010 NHL Winter Classic’ with NHL.com’s Videocenter

  1. Joshua Kahn

    A lot of talk around the sports world about the NHL not running a tight ship. Not sure I agree, but one thing for sure they’ve gotten exactly right is the Winter Classic.

    Great production value on that video. Chills started at .01.

  2. Jeff

    I’ve always grown up playing and loving hockey. Being at this game as an adult tattooed that love in my heart and will never be forgotten. The accompanying “Rudy” music is a great addition to this video. Thanks for posting.

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